Humankind: A Hopeful History 🏺
Mar 31, 2022
For a convincing, optimistic view on the nature of humanity—check out the book Humankind: A Hopeful History. Although I sometimes get annoyed with the author Rutger Bregman arguing from a particular flavor of "green" worldview (especially around money, power, and modern society 😂), he makes a really good case for humans being innately prosocial and evolved for friendliness and cooperation. He powerfully deconstructs the conclusions of some classic experiments like Milgram's shock experiment, Zimbardo's prison experiment, and Sherif's robbers cave experiment. If you can read with discernment, or you're a fan of books like Sapiens, you'll be rewarded with a lot of great food for thought, and perhaps a healthier relationship with your nature and humanity as a species.
Read next: "Survival of the Friendliest"
With love, Jordan
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