Changing the World 🌏 (For the better)
Jun 30, 2022
It’s a common refrain for purpose-driven people to say we want to "change the world". I always add "for the better". Saying "for the better" is more direct and invites dialogue. We have to face the ambiguity and exposure of claiming what’s better for others. Especially if we think our cause is the thing that needs everyone’s attention—how sure are we that it’s more important than what others are already doing with their time? Maybe it is. That’s a heck of a lot of power when we can fully stand in it.
And, how much of our desire to “change the world” is a projection—a deep fear that we’re not enough? That in changing stuff we’ll atone for our sins, and earn love?
Keep reading in Saving the World 🗺️
With love, Jordan
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