Diary of a Baby, Daniel H. Stern (A Great Relatefulness Book) 👩🍼
Jun 09, 2022Diary of a Baby is easy-to-read, creative, and well-researched book looks at the experience of being a baby from the inside (at 6 weeks old, 4.5 months, 12 months, etc). It weaves together first person vignettes with third person science on how a human being's sense of relating develops before they even have language. It's fun and meaningful for parents, but it’s value goes far beyond that. It's one of the best books on interpersonal development, phenomenology, and the gifts and limits of language I’ve read. And it makes me think: How much is growth about reaching up towards more intimacy with what used-to-be-considered not-me, and how much is reaching down to be more intimate with our most fundamental structures?
With love, Jordan
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