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Leaf Peeping, as a Leaf 🍂

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Oct 27, 2022


Last week in Vermont I got to see the legendary fall leaf changes. A fire red tree is awe-inspiring. I think of the leaves as coming and going from season to season, while I stay put experiencing the changes. From another point of view, the leaves stay put, experiencing being known via consciousnesses like mine coming and going! This perspectival play is not about leaves; looking at experience from the point of view of any 'object' will do. If experience is a non-dual coin with subject on one side and object on the other, what is experience like from the object side?

Being relateful often focuses on the human aspect of relating, but all relating is welcome, including the fundamental experience-structuring relationship of subject to object.


With love, Jordan


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