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Legends of Tomorrow—"Amazing Metafictional Comedy" 🦸🏻‍♀️

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness sociosomnia symbols in tv Mar 24, 2022

Starting with Season 4 (Netflix) and beyond…

The Legends of Tomorrow: This series started as a yet another lackluster DC time-travel/superhero misfire; but over the course of a couple seasons it transformed into one of the silliest, most self-aware, and good natured TV shows I can think of. I love it. It’s hilarious, on the nose, fun, ridiculous. The transformation of the whole series itself mirrors one of the main messages of the show in a perfectly meta way—that no matter how bad your history is, you can do good and contribute to the well-being of others now. You'll never be perfect, and that's celebrated.

Other inspiring themes come up again and again: embracing imperfection, the transformation of our human frailties, emotions, whims, vulnerabilities, and character flaws from curses to gifts; the incredible and transformative power of forgiveness, and the absence of any real villains—most of the time foes end up as friends. The characters exhibit a deep acceptance of each other exactly as they are. If this sounds like your thing, start with Season 4 or even Season 3.


With love, Jordan


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