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Construct Choices: Love-Authoring ❤️

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Mar 10, 2022

“Make your life what you want it to be!”

This or some similar encouragement is super common in self-improvement literature, ads on social media, and at ‘conscious’ gatherings. Let’s all claim more self-authoring. Yet constructing our worlds through concepts of “self"-help and “self”-authoring are good ways to emphasize the ‘self,’ make it real and in need of protection, and keep us from the joy and vulnerability of interdependence, the unknown, and seeing the arbitrariness of what we wrap our “I” around. Perhaps we can talk about love-help, love-authoring, and love-actualization instead. Interpersonal growth. Mystery-improvement. Where love leads us and plays the instrument of whatever self we’ve got, making our life into a song far more beautiful and honest than our currently authored self could ever imagine to want.


Read next: "... Have to's into Choices"


With love, Jordan


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