New Year Message: “Make this year different by making it all the same” 🎆
Dec 29, 2022
A Course in Miracles has a beautiful New Year’s message: Make this year different by making it all the same. As I understand it, the idea is that rather than seeing through the usual lens of separation and differences everywhere, you see through the lens of love and oneness. Especially in potent relationships. It’s just like lucid dreaming (or Prospero in The Tempest): Although you will still perceive the differences between one thing and another, you’ll know that they’re all made of the same non-stuff, so they won’t have the same undue influence over your peace and ability to show up with honesty and compassion. Like knowing that a movie is just light projected on a screen, when terrible things happen you feel them, but you don’t take them personally. When great things happen, you’re still able to rejoice. And you can appreciate the play of light for what it is, even while you have preferences over what you watch.
With love, Jordan
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