The Creative Act of Naming Anything as a Relationship with Infinity 👓
Mar 31, 2022
As far as I can tell, all the happenings of this moment occur in an unbroken continuum of existence. In a sense, what’s ‘real’ is an infinite happening of everything all at once. There’s no real ‘separation’ out-there anywhere in particular. Any “real” separation I can point to depends at least on (1) the subjectivity of my pointing, and (2) the choice of the scale of what I want to draw a boundary around. Take something like “Circling” or “Relatefulness” or “Presence in Connection”, and zoom out to a wider time scale, or zoom in to a smaller size scale, and we get a totally different objects. All of these words put a fence around infinity; they all reveal specificities in experience that I may not have noticed without the naming.
We make-believe a boundary on infinity every time we name something. And for good reason! Boundaries are super useful. When it comes to language, they can help us see aspects of infinity that were unrevealed. And in the seeing, they become available for us to use, play with, combine, and create anew. We see possibility where before we only saw a dead-end. This is one of the benefits of practicing presence in relationship: We all have unique language to slice up the infinity of being in different ways, so through each other’s perceptions we get to discover new worlds, new options, choices, and freedoms.
This is how I read the Bible passage John 1:1-5; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...” Where “the beginning” is happening in every now. Every single moment of doing any sort of naming is the beginning—any sort of separating this from that, at all. Each and every one of these namings is an act of creation, as the gods of our experience, we breathe life into. In this section (and elsewhere) A Course In Miracles is even more explicit about the usefulness—and illusory nature—of our divisions.
With love, Jordan
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