Concepts: Subject-Object Moves 📦
Aug 18, 2022
One of the many ways Relateful practice grows us is through "subject-object" moves: Making subjective experiences objects in our awareness. E.g. Whereas before we were simply “angry”, (subjective experience), now we are aware of that anger (as an object) and we get to decide how we express it. You can think of subject-object moves like getting outside of your own box.
Mostly we make objects out of symbols, separating subjective infinities by bounding things with words. But we can’t fully see what we’re subject to on our own; we need reflection from outside what we call "me", We need relationships to even see the places that have the highest potential payoff for our evolution. This is why we emphasize personalized feedback sessions in training leaders and group facilitation. We're blind to our blindspots until we face mirrors.
With love, Jordan
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