The Aim of Meditation 🎯
Oct 06, 2022
A lot of people think meditation is about clearing your mind. Then they think they screwed it up if they’re thinking. Thinking relational meditation is about being conflict-free is a similar mistake.
As I see it, meditation aims at an identity shift. Aware of thought, I’m not (just) thought. Aware of feels, I’m not (just) the feels. OK, what am I? What’s this “I” referring to? Awareness-being, which after much awareness looking at itself turns out to be nothing being universally everything.
The typical goals of clear-mind, equanimity, love, peace, service are results, so aiming for them often means missing them. But not always. Different methods seem to work for different people, and I believe all of them have traps. Where does this leave the meditator? The relationalist? Hopefully, it leaves us with compassion, light-heartedness, and perseverance.
With love, Jordan
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