Concepts: Titration 🐢
Jun 02, 2022
The basic idea of “titrating” is that some things are really healthy when you let them into your experience drip by drip, but can be toxic if you let them in all at once. We tend to integrate more fully and quickly when we feel previously unfelt stuff a little bit at a time. When we give in to the urgent drive of “I need to feel all of everything all at once right now!” we tend to get overwhelmed, shut down, build a false identity around being committed to connect with intensity, or avoid existential avoidance driving the need to feel in the first place. We miss that all moments are present, wondrous, awe-filled; so there’s no rush.
I’m wary of borrowing medical terms for psychological/spiritual undertakings (or chemistry terms in this case), but I like ‘titration’. It’s a little more precise than similar ideas like Aesop’s Fable of the Tortoise and the Hare, or the Chinese proverb “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, or Eleven’s journey in Season 4 of Stranger Things.
With love, Jordan
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