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What's your relationship to time and space? 🌚

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Jan 05, 2023


How do you relate to spacetime? We usually think about how we move through time, but how does time move through us as awareness, making sense of things? Not as a concept, but experientially, looking in this exact moment, what is time? As you witness whatever's happening, can you check out time as an object appearing in timelessness?

A bunch of physicists are starting to converge on the idea that spacetime is not fundamental, it’s a result of some deeper process. In this recent podcast convo with John Vervaeke, Donald Hoffman suggests maybe this is why consciousness is a "hard problem" to understand. If we’ve been asking how consciousness emerges from material phenomena that themselves are emergent from something deeper, it could be like asking why drownings increase as a result of ice cream sales (they don’t; both are a result of a third thing so the frame of the question is faulty). 

How cool is it to try to put yourself in the lived experience of being outside of spacetime? (thanks to my friend Robin Arnott for the podcast rec)


With love, Jordan


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