Wisdom from Coco Chanel 👜
Sep 22, 2022
“I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.” – Coco Chanel
In an age where we're tempted to tie our self-worth to likes or follower-count, we could all use a little more Chanel-inspired autonomy (amber to orange+). I know I can. With 'I don't think about you at all' as a foundation, I want us to care about what people we respect think about us. I want us to honor interdependence—including the autonomy to choose whose opinions matter to me, about what.
Being relateful involves awareness of our interconnection enriching our lives. Letting go of needing others' approval (like Coco), we can open more fully to how interrelated we are. Embracing how we're totally unique, we can know our uniqueness more fully in reflection. We get feedback, see blindspots, and feel more love.
With love, Jordan
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