A Better Word than “Feelerstand” 🫃
Jan 30, 2025
I want a better word for an experience that exists in me as “Feelerstand.” Want to help?
It’s often the case that I “understand” what someone is saying or feeling in the sense that I can imagine it, but I don’t get it because I haven’t experienced that for myself. For example I definitely understand what it means to be pregnant. But I don’t feelerstand. I want to be able to use this when someone is teaching me something as well—I understand how to do an ollie on a skateboard but I can’t quite do it.
In my fantasy the word sounds good in natural language—which is why feelerstand, Verstehen, Einfühlung, connaître aren’t it. I’d like to use it as a verb. It should convey a nuanced experience that isn’t fully grasped by “I feel you, ,“I get it”, or “I know it in my bones”.
Idk, maybe “grok” is what I’m looking for? I can’t imagine using it in this sentence: "Yeah, I understand what you're going through with chemotherapy, but I don't grok it". Feel-know? Deepget? Feel-know?
With love, Jordan
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