Beyond physical attraction: Seeing sex symbolically (in dialogue) 💘
Oct 05, 2023
Philo: My dear Caelius, of late I've noticed that my awareness is overwhelmingly swayed by the presence of certain women, even when there's no romantic inclination. It perplexes me and, I confess, often brings me shame. I think to myself, “what’s the point?”.
Caelius: Ah, Philo! First, let us not be quick to label such feelings as shameful, nor dismiss your question. Instead, let's examine them. What’s the point indeed? When you speak of these women, what is the nature of your interactions?
Philo: With the first, I feel an impulse to nurture and care for her. Our interactions seem to elevate her self-worth, and I play a guiding role in that transformation.
Caelius: Very well. And do you find this inclination to be romantic or perhaps something else?
Philo: That's just it! There’s no romantic longing, yet the pull remains strong. It's as if some invisible force beckons me.
Caelius: Might it be that this 'force' is a reflection of a deeper role you play in her life, and not one of romance or passion? Life sometimes urges us to support and nurture, not for our own benefit or desire but for the sake of another's growth. And is there something for you to learn in that as well?
Philo: Indeed, with that perspective, it feels clearer now. The 'attraction', if we can call it that, was perhaps never romantic. Now, consider another woman, Caelius. With her, a fantasy of her physically supporting me comes unbidden to mind.
Caelius: Ah! So, as with the first, this too sounds symbolic. Maybe what you seek is to be supported, a mirror image of the way you support the first woman. The universal force of creativity often presents itself in varied forms. Not all attractions are of the heart; some are of the soul.
Philo: Your words bring clarity, Caelius. Perhaps I should not be so quick to judge these feelings but rather seek to understand their true essence.
Caelius: Precisely, Philo! Life is a myriad of experiences, and our task is to discern their meaning. Let us embrace all attractions, not assuming they’re sexual in nature, but with curiosity and understanding.
With love, Jordan
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