Bodies as wholly neutral learning devices
Nov 28, 2024
If we take our body to be us, I think we've bought into a very limited self identification, with very limited wisdom and capacity. We are our individual bodies, and we are the bodies that make up the relateful network, but we are so much more than that. I say include the body, use it to love, but don’t over-identify. Limiting ourselves to less than we are literally depresses us. (This applies to denying the body as well).
People throughout time and culture who diligently look at identity seem to conclude a similar thing: We are more the omnipresence than the bodies. That bodies are the surface that God/presence shows up as; the "many" that "the one" can't not embody. I believe Jesus was speaking about this from/as the "nondual" when he famously said stuff like, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die". Bodies die; presence is unborn and undying.
“Embodiment” is a distinction that points to something real. But let’s not use "embodiment" to exclusively mean the physical body. Let’s use “embodiment” to mean enactment, in the way a quadriplegic can “embody” wisdom. Let’s use “embodiment” to mean how intimate we’re willing to be with bits of reality.
With love, Jordan
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