Civilizational adolescence 🚸
Mar 23, 2023
I like to think we’re in a civilizational adolescence. It helps me appreciate the gifts of old and new ways of doing things, even when they’re diametrically opposed. And it helps me get a sense of what better futures might hold. (A dialectical synthesis)
What I mean is that there are things from our civilizational “childhood” that we’ve lost and are in dire need of recovering—eg: living in tight-knit cross-generational communities where the whole tribe raises the kids, being more in touch with nature (outside of humans), etc. But because those came as a whole package, inseparable from what we now consider human rights abuses, racism, sexism, etc, we rejected the good along with the bad. Most of us don’t want to "go back" because it means losing precious freedoms, rights, and comforts we take for granted. I want us to find a way to transclude the past and present into a more holistic future. I hope being in relateful company will be a part of that healthy embrace.
With love, Jordan
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