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Each moment is a poem โœ๐Ÿป

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Sep 12, 2024


I'm delighted to feature a guest “Thing” from our brilliant facilitator Will Jefferson:


"Recently, I have been trying on the perspective that for every moment of our lives, there is a beautiful poem that could be written about that moment. This would be true because there is endless beauty in every moment, even if there is also deep challenge.

There are wonderful poems to be written about what it's like to go through your inbox, or to have mild back pain, or to feel misunderstood by your partner. Sharing these poems with each other can help us find companionship and community. 

Maybe you’d like to try writing something now, about now. You don’t even have to call it a poem. You could just open

to different lengths of line,

Perhaps listening

for those quiet voices of wonder

Which weave their way

Through whatever you are doing now,

Which sing in the gaps

Between your thoughts

And see you

the way

you’ve always


to be seen."


If this sparks your something in you, see our new Poetry and Presence course.


With love, Jordan


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