Enlightened poop is still poop 💩 (Ethics in the absolute)
Jun 01, 2023
Knowing oneness, you know whatever you do unto others you’re doing unto yourself, and you’re naturally kind to everything. There’s no need for “crazy wisdom” to “help someone on their path” because this is no “someone” and there is no “path”. If it’s truly a dream there’s nothing to fix and no one to save.
What then in the face of suffering? Action sourced from the moment—intuitive, interconnected, playful, humble, loving. No telling what the specific action is.
Let’s please not use this to justify moral relativism, doing whatever we wish because we’re “above” the “mere illusion” of traditional morality. Waking Up is distinct from Cleaning Up (as we talk about in Level Up 😂). Maybe you are “coming from surrender”, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. When you see anyone—especially yourself—justifying something unethical using spirituality, just remember: Enlightened poop is still poop.
With love, Jordan
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