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Every symbolic representation has a "reification cost" which obscures some other aspect of the truth.

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Aug 29, 2024


Basically this acknowledges that experience-reality is an undifferentiated unity which we impose conceptual separations upon in order to make sense and interact—even subject and object is a kind of 'reification' of a distinction which, upon inspection, doesn't really hold up. I don't believe there's any way around this, and I'm glad because it means there's a kind of infinite freedom, playfulness, and discovery in the way our meaning co-enacts experience through what comes through the filters of our concepts. But it also is helpful to remember that these framings always come at a "cost"; we're always excluding one thing by including something else. This points the way to humility, and eventually to the integral realization that every perspective has some piece of the truth (although not in equal measure).


With love, Jordan


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