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Exploring the interconnectivity of time and everything 🕘

3things interpersonal growth jordan myska allen relatefulness stayinlove Mar 06, 2025


This is a quick musing I’m in, shared here to invite reflection on how we construct experience through assumptions that can be examined. Forgive me for not validating the standard experience of time or unpacking this more!

Time as a concept demands a non-time concept to make any sense (like all ideas). 

This sounds less crazy than it seems—we normally think of ourselves and objects as “in a flow of time”, but this kinda requires ourselves and the objects in the time container to be nontemporal, which clearly isn’t the case. Even a so-called static object like a table has an origin, evolution, and decay (time “moves” through/as/with it). Said by an LLM restating this idea: We typically think we exist in time, but that implies we—or objects—are somehow ‘outside’ time to observe it, which is paradoxical.

“I” typically self-conceives as the nontemporal outside observer—so we get this strange feeling of identity being the same ‘throughout time’, despite wild changes in our life circumstances, bodies, etc. But viewed as interconnected, the “I” and the “objects” are as much composed of time as time is composed of them—whether interpenetrated, or two sides of the same coin, or one thing with a construct-overlay distinguishing them. Seen this way, the nature of time is the nature of all things; time’s in us as much as we’re in time. 

(ALAS, I did not get this email out in time :) )


With love, Jordan


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