Free Membership Questions
May 25, 2022The Free Membership becomes available June 17th 2022.
Why are you doing this again?
1. We're called to. And we've learned to listen to those inner-promptings.
2. We see a global need for better relating. With COVID-19, vaccines, attention-maximizing algorithms that push people further apart, "loneliness epidemics" growing, transactional relationships and social media breeding superficiality and narcissism, we see deep empathic 'being with' as an elixir of awareness ⚗️. CircleAnywhere is ready to open people's hearts, help people face their projections, and find ways of communicating across increasingly polarized divides.
2.5 We see a global need for more awake, mature leadership. Decreasing trust in news and media ("post-truth") and 'hyperobject' types of existential problems that have no clear answer, call for a more complex, fluid, and multi-perspectival type of leadership. The exact kind of leadership CircleAnywhere, Level Up ⬆, the Coaching Course and Flow Course, train.
3. We are facing our deepest fear (according to Marianne Williamson) "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us". We're not claiming that we're going to save anyone, or stop a civilizational collapse or whatever, but we are saying we're showing up.
What's included in the Free Membership?
4 hours per month, limited to Fundamentals and Focus type sessions. This includes Speed Focus—anything with a Greenish or Tealish color on the calendar).
The Austin Circling Studio will be slightly different. As an example, free members will be able to use two of their one hours to attend a whole two hour, in-person evening (including Monday night "Lab"). More info soon.
Who is eligible for the Free Membership?
At this time, anyone.
We're not requiring any sort of application or anything.
Are there 'terms' with the Free Membership?
A few:
Free Membership is offered at one-per-customer.
As a Free Member you are welcome (and encouraged 🥰) to buy further single sessions, or progress to one of our paid monthly memberships. However, you will not be able to purchase any of our other memberships while you have an active Free Membership.
The hours included in the Free Membership will not rollover at the end of your month, so use them while they are available to you!
I don't know if I'm the kind of person who needs a Free Membership—can you help me?
Look deep inside and trust what comes up.
This is not a glib response, we truly think that the best answer to your question comes from inside you.
If you need help understanding why we're doing this (after reading the rest of this blog post) in order for you to make a decision, don't hesitate to reach out with a specific question for us.
I'm new to this. Can I use the Free Membership to try out CircleAnywhere?
If you're using the Free Membership as a way to get a taste of CircleAnywhere and can afford it, we will gently encourage you via email-marketing to spend money (get a paid membership, or buy a coaching session every month, or register for Level Up ⬆, or something similar). It helps us keep our doors open to anyone, as well as pay our staff well. But no one is going to police this, because the policy is that it is 100% free to anyone.
But what if you guys are totally overwhelmed?
Then we'll change things, and limit the free memberships at that point.
Or we'll ask for help in some other way.
I'm a current member who wants to support you guys with a more expensive membership.
Awesome. You can upgrade right away here. However, if you are a Free Member you will first need to cancel your membership in order to upgrade.
Thank you so much for helping us make this available to anyone, and good for our staff and community! You're the best!
What happens on June 17 2023 (in a year) for the OG Memberships? And beyond that?
We don't know yet.
Chances are: Regularly scheduled inflation increases. It all depends on how many free members there are, how many paid members there are, how many benefactors there are, etc—it depends on whether or not this wild plan is economically sustainable.
What happens if I cancel my OG Membership?
If you cancel your OG Membership, it's gone forever.
You mentioned on Facebook about offering more Circling sessions—24 hours a day?
Offering 24/7 Circling has been a goal of ours since before we launched almost seven years ago (gosh!). We're not there yet.
In order to move towards this goal we need to grow in membership and profit.
We don't believe in endless growth, or even growth for the sake of itself per se; neither do we believe that growth is a bad thing. This applies to internal psychological developmental growth as well as external business and impact growth. Now feels like the right time to expand and impact a heck of a lot more people.
You also mentioned on Facebook making it possible for facilitators to do Relatefulness as their job and not just something on the side?
That's right. We're proud to have over 40 facilitators on staff. Some of them are CEOs, Directors of non-profits, on-boards of research institutes, retired, artists, or otherwise not at all interested in Circling as their job. We pay them because it's an important symbol of respect in our modern culture. They'll always be a part of our team, contributing more "on the side"—we love the interpenetration of influence, learning, and relationship that results from these kinds of relationships.
But some people are called to do this full-time, and we believe we can cut a cosmic groove (or morphogenetic groove, or meme, or self-organizing system, or whatever you want to call it) that makes that not only possible, but highly valued in the current economic climate.
This is a way to really relax into how valuable we all find this practice. And we think this type of Circling-relating-with-the-economy could be a critical part of honing the practice itself, in the way constraints and environmental fitness drive creativity and evolution. Especially so; as Circling shows us over and over again, nothing exists in isolation—we're all embedded agents, interdependent, interconnected, etc...
Isn't this just a Freemium model that will benefit your business interests in the long-run?
We sure hope so!
Without any privacy-infringement or making-your-data-the-product weirdness of other freemium-type products.
Let’s "scale up" compassion.
I can't speak for any other time in history, but I know this one is calling for outrageous acts of love, generosity, forgiveness and understanding. Individually, to be sure, but also as collectives. Don't get me wrong, we're already answering the call. We just see the opportunity to level it up 😉.
You’re a part of something beautiful that has a chance to make a positive impact in many more people’s lives. This feels like a big risk for me, the team, our whole community—what if we fail? What if we accidentally foster a kind of evangelism that loses sight of appreciating things as they are? (Or think our way is the way, instead of a way)?
Taking a leap of faith to stand in what’s true, and trusting wherever that leads us, is what Circling and relatefulness are about. Join us in expanding the awareness of the perfection of being—a perfection that wholly includes imperfection. That includes you facing your highest potentials alongside your darkest mistakes.
Lots of love
Jordan & the CA Team
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