Leon Joel Russell talks with Jordan about A Course in Miracles: "May the Course be With You" 🎙️
Nov 14, 2024
This week I'm sharing a two part conversation on A Course in Miracles for you to enjoy, if you enjoy this sort of thing:
As one YouTube commenter puts it "This was like peaceful candy lol, and love the bromance. You two together are so relaxed and authentic".
In the first episode we cover a lot of classic A Course in Miracles concepts, quotes, and philosophy. Although it's been one of the most impactful influences on my own life and development—and therefore on the practice of relatefulness—A Course in Miracles is a unique text and not everyone takes to it, for a variety of reasons. In the second episode we start to cover more about how Relatefulness relates:
The way this conversation came about is a really cool story in it's own right.
A few weeks ago I woke up and was looking at my long to-do list. I felt kind of sick imagining jumping into any of the tasks, despite many being things I enjoy doing. Inquiring into the uncomfortable feeling, I suddenly thought: "Let me do the most loving things, and do everything from love".
From there I felt a weird inspiration to check Facebook messages on my author page—something I never do!—and found a 6 month old message I'd missed from a guy named Leon J Russell inviting me onto his podcast.
I had no idea how wonderful of a host he'd be, or how much I'd enjoy our conversation!
I hope you can catch the good vibes, even if you don't relate to the content. In true 'Course in Miracles' fashion, it's never about the content anyway.
With love, Jordan
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