Micro-transformation: Oneness of Money 👛
Jan 09, 2025
Most people don’t keep track of where each dollar bill in their wallet comes from. Neither do they consider the source of each dollar bill they spend. Why would they? It all goes in and out of the same place. One wallet.
What changes in you if you imagine the universe acts the same way with your contributions to life and the corresponding financial credits? You provide value and the universe puts that in its ‘one wallet’; the universe gives to you whenever you need to pay for something. This is in contrast to thinking each individual entity (your company, your customers, etc) has to keep track of the right value exchange, individually.
I’m not claiming this is the case ontologically (at least not yet), I’m inviting us to play. Does something open up seeing the world through this lens?
For example, from this view I might be more open to receiving money from whatever source—a job, a surprise gift, an investment—without being concerned if I earned it, deserved it, or if it was fair relative to others. I might be less resentful (“they owe me!”) or upset (“I can’t believe I trusted that shill”), knowing that I provide value all around me, all the time, and there are many, many, many ways for me to receive compensation for that. I’m still free to have immaculate bookkeeping (thank you Shara!), say no to jobs that don’t pay well, to advocate or even sue for more for me and others, and all of that stuff. I may take more responsibility, may spend less, knowing that I don’t need to ‘buy now while it’s cheap or I have money!’ because I’ll have what I need. I may be more willing to give to others without concern for whether or not it comes back to me, unconcerned that I charge some people a lot of money for the same thing (such as coaching). I do it all knowing that “to give and receive are one in truth” (like with love).
Standard advice still applies: Pay your bills on time and don’t buy more than you can afford. This kind of thinking, and the various up and downsides it invites, is still very much an open investigation over here!
With love, Jordan
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