Radical acceptance must include censorship for beautiful relating 📜
Aug 29, 2024
Yes we censor.
In other words, we have standards that we uphold.
They won’t always agree with yours. (If there’s enough overlap, perhaps we can grow together and learn from each other).
We’re not always right; that awareness of our imperfection won’t stop us from stumbling towards a better world as best we can.
We haven’t nor will we commit to people having a right to say anything. Such a commitment to “welcome everything” is not the fruit of relational presence. It isn’t truth—it’s contradiction; it isn’t love—it’s unable to embrace limits or anything else that doesn’t conform to its worldview. As such it is a closed-minded ideology that is often used to demand that others submit to the authority of its priests and enforcers (perhaps unconsciously, with the best of intentions).
I prefer to speak plainly: We especially do not commit to anyone feeling heard or received, inside or outside of sessions. I want that for everyone. What a gift! What a necessity! But I've been recovering from my codependency long enough to know it's not possible for me (or anyone) to guarantee.
I have said "welcome the energy, not every expression", but I hold willingness to include censoring for whatever arises in my awareness: Personal relationships, relateful sessions, and all the contents of my inner world. I’ve never seen a beautiful relationship, community, or self without beautiful boundaries supporting it. Yes, we need to learn to love what is and we can’t get rid of what we haven’t claimed. Once we’ve claimed it, we’re actually free to actually let it go.
With love, Jordan
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