Separating Form and Content (intention) 💫
May 11, 2023
The instruction to be present with what’s happening can feel indulgent and at odds with getting stuff done—if you accidentally conflate the happening’s manifestation (“form”) and intention (“content”).
For example let’s look at self-judgment. Being present with self-judgment doesn't mean we have to accept it. We can challenge its manifestation (the form) while continuing to explore its underlying purpose (the content) until we uncover a motive we can wholeheartedly support.
For instance, the self-judgment could be a misguided attempt at self-improvement. In this case, “hell yes” to self-improvement, but “heck no” to the method of self-judgment. Or maybe we use self-judgment to be safe. Hell yes to safety, hell no to the strategy of self-judgment to get it. The same goes for caring about others; we can fully support the intention of caring but reject the approaches of people-pleasing or judgment.
With love, Jordan
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