Sociosomnia: Are you my mother? 🐥
Dec 20, 2023
My mother used to read this classic (youtube / amazon) to me, and now I have the pleasure of reading it to my children. My collective dream interpretation is that this is a story about the inner journey. It works really well as a parable to turning towards God, if that language works for you. Just like Mad Max Fury Road (spoiler alert), it reminds us we leave “home” searching for paradise only to discover what we were seeking was there all along… but we couldn’t have realized it’s already-ness without having left!
In Are You My Mother? we’re the baby bird, born thinking we have to go out and find “mother”—who and what we really are. We try hedonism, materialism, or even spiritual attainment (The kitten, hen, dog, cow, car, boat, and plane). We finally think we find it (the bird with the Snort), but we’re wrong again, and this time we’ve fully surrendered so we’re terrified. Luckily, our salvation is certain despite our fears. Thankfully this is not Fern Gully—the Snort, although it seems inorganic and scary, is actually here to help us finish our journey home, in perfect timing. Sometimes, our biggest challenges or most unconventional guides lead to our greatest revelations. Now, with all of our experience, we know exactly who Mom is.
With love, Jordan
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