The irony of “social” media: Primacy of individuality📱
Sep 07, 2023
One of the issues with current social media is that it's decidedly individualistic. When we say "social" we seem to mostly mean "express AT each other”. And because of echo chambers, what we see is more of a reflection of ourselves (but isnt that always true?). True dialogue happens in pockets, but I think that’s in spite of the tech, not because of it. That we find genuine connection on these platforms is a testament to our undying quest for genuine connection and our ingenuity in finding it. In other words, I claim that as a society with Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc, we currently have T-Groups, not relatefulness.
Maybe we should call it “Self Expression Media”. Or perhaps the name is an accurate reflection of our civilization’s level of maturity around connecting. Has “being social” or “being authentic” come to mean broadcasting one's thoughts, with or without expecting a response? If so, time to transclude. Let’s appreciate the progress we’ve made, and continue to build on it, moving toward genuine dialogue, real conversations where disagreement is generative. Bilateral engagements that require understanding and empathy.
The one place online where I know this currently exists: in Relateful sessions.
With love, Jordan
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