$295.00 USD

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Welcome & Terms of Service

Our practices involve looking at and being intimate with the structures of one’s personal reality, including how we make sense of experience, individually and collectively. Carrying over assumptions from other practices can lead to misunderstandings. Read over the following statements to determine whether or not our practice will be a good fit for you.

We see you as a free agent capable of honest self-assessment and responsible choice. This is an invitation to take responsibility for yourself and your experience, including a willingness to set and maintain appropriate boundaries. By attending our events you take responsibility for your own safety and comfort, choosing to leave the practice or participate in any given moment. 

Not Psychotherapy
We do not follow a therapeutic model of diagnosis and treatment. Our method is educational. Our emphasis is relating. Our facilitators and coaches are guides. Our practices are practices of connection and meditation whose aim is to reveal more presence. We do not prescribe choices or actions. We are not psychotherapists; we do not see you as being in a therapeutic relationship with our facilitators. Participants are welcome to speak and explore developmental intentions such as “getting somewhere,” growing, and evolving, but we do not presume these are the drivers of experience. We work in the present moment, assuming wholeness moving to greater wholeness. 

The Expectations of Leadership
Our facilitators act in service of better relating through bringing more presence to what’s happening in the here and now. This may not follow typical expectations of a “group leader,” such as telling people the “right way” to act or making sure everyone gets along. We include the internal experiences of the leaders as part of the process. We invite you to listen to your own inner direction for leadership, and consider others’ responses as feedback to you in the context of the moment.

Is this Right for You?
Our workshops can be intense. We explore the unknown, the volatile, the ambiguous, as well as welcome emotions many deem as “negative” or “inappropriate” such as feelings of inadequacy, anger, sexuality, and joy. We often explore multiple sides of seeming opposites at once, and believe this can reveal an underlying unity of the immediacy of experience. We see bringing awareness to intense feelings as distinct from acting upon these feelings—we may ask you to pause or leave if we determine certain expressions risk leaving the practice of relational presence.

If the above description of our workshops sounds potentially overwhelming or destabilizing for you, if you have mental illness or significant emotional challenges that you feel may be exacerbated by this type of transformational environment, or if you are not sure that you can be self-directed in taking care of your needs during the event, then we advise you not to enroll. Finally, you must be at least 18 years old to attend.

By participating you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by these Terms of Service.


Hood River Relateful Immersion 2024

Join us for a two day Relateful immersion nestled among the trees, mountains and rivers of the Pacific Northwest in beautiful Hood River, OR. We’ll use nature as our setting, inspiration and guide as we dive into the practice of Relatefulness, exploring our relationships to ourselves and others as well as the natural world. Part nature retreat and part Relateful immersion, this unique experience will incorporate local nature excursions into each day as a way to integrate and expand our awareness. 

Finalized schedule to come but expect 2-3 hours outside in nature each day with optional local excursions and 5-6+ hours diving into Relatefulness. 



Relatefulness is an activity where people hang out and see what it’s like to be real together. We test drive the theory that the world would be a better place if everyone behaved true to their inner wisdom, love, intuition, and care. 

Do you ever wish you could just be real with people? Like the next time someone says, “Hi, how are you?” you could actually say, “I’m exhausted and lonely.” And then what if they wanted to hear more?

Do you ever wish other people would just be real with you? Like instead of your connections just drifting apart, they reached out and said, “Hey, I’m not responding to your ideas for hanging out because they always involve drinking and that’s just not how I want to spend my free time. Are you interested in going on a walk with me instead?”

What about belonging? People used to feel a sense of tribe with their families and the people at their religious organization. But now as so many of us move away from family for education and jobs, work remotely, and aren’t involved in organized religion, opportunities to feel included in a group of people are scarce.

In the Relatefulness practice:

  • Conflict happens in healthier and more successful ways 
  • A sense of connection is more accessible
  • Communication skills grow.

Relatefulness is practiced by thousands of people all over the world. There’s an online platform with about 8 sessions a day, and there are local communities with regular sessions in Austin, Los Angeles, Tucson, London, and more.



An immersion is a time for the same group of people to be together for two full days. We can get to know each other more deeply, build true connections, and explore a variety topics. 

This Hood River immersion is designed to be a perfect starting place for anyone who has never tried Relatefulness before, starting with Fundamentals practices to build skills and widening into the deeper practice. This immersion will also be great for folks with more experience too, such as opportunities for folks in the facilitator training program to practice facilitation.



Inspired by the massive success of Relateful Camp, and the scenic beauty and recreation of Hood River, we’re incorporating outdoor activities into this immersion, all within a 5 -15 minute drive from the event venue. Final schedule to be shared but this may include local walks with views of Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams, a swim in the Hood River at Tucker Park, watersports or wading in the vast Columbia River, foraging for blackberries, or a bonfire in the woods. 


Date and Time:

September 21 & 22 from 10am - 6pm each day. There will be a lunch break and optional nature excursions each day




Are you a Hood River local? Contact us at [email protected] for an additional discount coupon



This immersion will be facilitated by Annabeth Novitzki and Tristana Pirkl.

Tristana and Annabeth have been very dear friends for nearly a decade, and were in the core team that launched and grew Relateful Austin Studio, the only Relateful studio in the world. Collectively, they have led many immersions, workshops and session. This will be their first time getting to lead an immersion together!

If you have any questions contact Annabeth at [email protected]



The event venue will be at a private home with ample outdoor space. Please note that a friendly dog and cat live at the venue but can be secluded away from the group, if need be.