About Ernst
I first met Ernst at a relational festival, coming out of a cuddle space, remnants of glitter scattered all over his face with big smile upon his lips, and shining engaging eyes.
To this day this image still seems to encapsulate the essentials. His dedication to people and connection, his irresistible pretty innocence and his wide eyed charm and sense of wonder, all with a sprinkle of magic and poetry. Giving up a life as a high end chef for the rich, Ernst went in search of a more soulful way of existing in the world. His interest in intentional community led him to Sweden, so different to the Australian backcountry he would spend his days roaming as a kid... but the warmth and tenderness of his native soil is still in him, evident in any session with him.
Being with Ernst is being -always - invited. Into sweet innocence, childlike wonder, poetic expression, and subtle sensuality.
(Written by Morten Skovgaard Andersen)