Leadership Lessons / Sociosomnia: Babe the Pig 🐖
Jan 20, 2022
Babe (trailer) is a masterpiece movie that withstands the test of time, and is one of the best teachings on leadership styles I’ve ever seen. Babe embodies a healthy ‘feminine’ (the character is androgynous in the film), leading through strong caring relationships, emotional intelligence, and good communication (including being fierce). 👨🌾 Farmer Hoggett embodies a healthy "masculine", taking a risky stand for the truth (of the power of Babe’s leadership style) and pushing the limits of tradition, while staying in integrity (transcluding the contest rules) despite the whole community laughing at him for it.
There’s so much more here—you see the dark sides of both the feminine (in the sheep’s shaming 🐑) and masculine (in the sheepdogs’ depersonalization 🐺), and you see how the higher good (winning the contest) can only come from (a) the union of both and (b) everyone vulnerably forgiving old wounds to help someone they love.
To make it personal, find the ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ qualities inside of you, and see what kind of guidance watching the film as a projection of your unconsciousness can give you into finding your highest good. 🐷 🐽
With love, Jordan
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