🪞 Judging Others = Projected Self-judgment
Sep 08, 2022As I started writing this week's email, a friend texted me the following question. Although it's specifically regarding Integral Theory, I believe you can distill the general concepts for exploring relateful compassion by replacing "levels" (or any color reference) with "my assumptions about others":
Q: How do you cultivate compassion/openness vs judgment when you use Integral framework as a lens for navigating relationships and the world in general?
First: Recognize all of these levels operate inside each of us every day. If we’re judging others we’re almost certainly projecting self-judgment, so there’s a huge opportunity for us to embrace more of life in our self-concept and experience. This is different from discernment in that judgment includes a ‘yuck’ or ‘making wrong’ feeling (the way I’m using it).
With love, Jordan
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