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The Content of Your Experience as Envelopes to Open ✉️

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Nov 10, 2022


I see emotions as envelopes: They’re not ends unto themselves, but containers of messages. I welcome them in order to open them and read what information they’re delivering. Then I get rid of the envelope (and often the message!). As I see it, all content of experience is the same—body sensations, thoughts, intuitions, visions, are all envelopes to open. We ignore them at our peril, but once opened, we don’t need to hold onto them. 

Being Relateful adds another layer: Sometimes you can’t understand the message until you bring it into relational awareness. This can be very vulnerable because we’re used to showing up as competent, clear, and knowledgeable, but it can also be extremely rewarding. In our willingness to show up unclear and incomplete we build intimacy and end up getting more clarity and a more complete understanding. “I notice I’m feeling _____ and I don’t even know why… what’s happening for you?”


With love, Jordan


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