Sociosomnia: X-Men—training our adaptations to be gifts ❌
Dec 01, 2022
Most of the X-Men (superheroes from comics/movies) got their powers in response to an experience that was wayyyy too-much-for a regular person to handle. For example, one of my childhood favorites was Colossus. When he jumped in front of a tractor to save his baby sister from getting run over, his skin suddenly turned to metal to protect them both. We all have these kind of “superpower” adaptations from our own danger filled pasts—from “thick skins” to hyper-attunement, leadership charisma to “grey-rocking” and far beyond.
At first the young X-Men have no idea how to control their powers. They try to hide them, feeling like freaks for being so different to everyone else. Many wish they hadn’t mutated. They end up accidentally hurting themselves or others. We can probably all relate to this, especially when our "powers" feel like curses that only show up in ways that hurt, like lashing out or self-abandoning.
But some of the mutants learn to channel their adaptations for good. This is part of CircleAnywhere / The Relateful Company's purpose: Realizing the positive potential in our “mutated” responses to unsupportive and over-stimulating environments. Not wishing them on anyone, but carving beauty out of the raw marble of our pain. Beauty is its own reward, but this also leads to great relationships through clarity and compassion.
With love, Jordan
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