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Hannah Aline Taylor and Jordan talking bout the Tao te Ching Verse 29 📺

3things interpersonal growth jordan myska allen relatefulness stayinlove Mar 13, 2025


Do you want to improve the world? 
I don’t think it can be done. 
The world is sacred.
It can’t be improved.

In this video convo recording, Hannah Aline Taylor—who’s coming to Relateful Camp!—and I discuss one of my favorite and most personally koanic verses from the Tao te Ching. Hannah is a treasure who I admire and love; we often end up thinking similar things coming from different directions.

This is a very casual conversation, which I hope some of you enjoy, and in any case invites you into the spirit of Relateful camp, where there'll be plenty of opportunities for you to have similar explorations.


Here's Ursula K. Le Guin's translation:


Those who think to win the world 
by doing something to it,
I see them come to grief. 
For the world is a sacred object. 
Nothing is to be done to it. 
To do anything to it is to damage it. 
To seize it is to lose it. 

Under heaven some things lead, some follow, 
some blow hot, some cold, 
some are strong, some weak, 
some are fulfilled, some fail.

So the wise soul keeps away 
from the extremes, excess, extravagance.

 With love, Jordan


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