Seerut K. Chawla's Self-Help Critiques on Instagram 🐅
Jan 19, 2023
If you don’t like Jordan Peterson’s vibes, you probably won’t like psychotherapist Seerut K. Chawla's scathing critiques of self-help culture and social media. If you can appreciate the partial truths of these challenges, and can avoid getting caught up in negativity, check out her stuff: “Things that make your life worse,” “Things insta-therapy isn’t telling you,” and “No, your feelings are not valid”. I think we fall into these traps because being an adult, having integrity, and being sensitive to ourselves and each other is complex and requires a constant in-the-moment inquiry into what’s really going on. (With Beyond Trauma Mindset, we’re attempting to bring more balance, and see all of these habits as collaborative potentials calling for love).
With love, Jordan
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